City view

“Walk up this street to the end, and you’ll see a small path. It’ll feel like you’re trespassing but you aren’t.”

πŸ“ Bernal Heights, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Minolta 28mm


Bokeh or sunstars? Lens flare or lens hood?

πŸ“ Bernal Heights, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Minolta 28mm


I always enjoyed riding trains. I can read and work on them without getting motion sickness (as I get on buses) and can be super productive too.

Rail tracks under an elevated freeway

Back when I had an unlimited train pass I would get on the train, find the magic window seat with a power outlet, put on headphones, and start writing (code or prose). No wi-fi needed. Get to the end of the line, and repeat for the way back.

πŸ“ 16th St under 280, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Minolta 28mm


Fun fact: I wrote software for tunnels back in my transportation systems days. Never got a chance to work on bridge software, unfortunately.

πŸ“ 3rd Street Bridge, Mission Bay, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Canon 35mm f/2 L39


Growing up, my parents were instant coffee drinkers, cream and sugar.


Now I’m the total opposite of instant, with grinding and filtering and brewing on the spot.

πŸ“ Haus Coffee, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Canon 35mm f/2 L39 screw mount lens


About five years ago, I did a β€œphoto a day” challenge where I went out for a walk, took some photos, and posted one of them every day. I credit that for contributing to my love of photography and of walking everywhere.

Storefront mirror selfie

Today, I’m still getting all those steps in and taking photos. Just slightly more hipster-ish selfies, with those vintage 1960s lenses I enjoy collecting via eBay πŸ˜„.

πŸ“ South Park, San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-Pro2; Canon 35mm f/2 L39 screw mount lens

Classic Lenses

Recently got a legacy Canon 28mm FD lens. Trying out the classic manual focus aperture priority world and enjoying it!

πŸ“ San Francisco
πŸ“· Fujifilm X-E2s; Canon FD 28mm lens + adapter